Broomfield North Metro Kiwanis Club Scholarship


  • Resident of Broomfield, Adams, or Boulder County or attending school in one of these counties
  • All forms of post-secondary schools applicable (e.g. college, trade school, community college)
  • Community focused individual
  • Preference will be given to students who have participated in Key Club or Circle K Club or a student who is a descendant of a Kiwanis member
  • Relatives of Broomfield North Metro Kiwanis Club members are not eligible


  • Applications due by April 15th.
  • Awards to be granted and presented to students by May 1st.
  • Two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded each year.

Broomfield North Metro Kiwanis Scholarship Application

Scholarship application for a $2,000 scholarship to a deserving student who is committed to furthering their education and have a desire to help their community. Two scholarships will be awarded annually.

Frequently Asked Questions:

If I receive a scholarship one year, will I automatically receive it the following year? No. You would need to reapply each year to be considered for each calendar year.

Does the Broomfield North Metro Kiwanis Club make the decisions about who is awarded? Broomfield North Metro Kiwanis Club has an advisory committee who reviews and scores each of the submissions to determine who will be awarded the scholarships.

Will my personal information be shared? No. Your application information will not be shared with anyone except Broomfield North Metro Kiwanis Club scholarship advisory committee. However, a notice of award will be announced via social media.

When will I be notified? All applicants will be notified of the status of their application by mid-May. The Broomfield North Metro Kiwanis Club will present checks to scholarship winners at Annual Golf Tournament on June 2nd. Winners to receive a check & certificate and also give the students a chance to meet club members.

What if I am not sure where I will be going to school? Award money will be payable directly to the applicant.

Broomfield North Metro Kiwanis Scholarship Application

Scholarship application for a $2,000 scholarship to a deserving student who is committed to furthering their education and have a desire to help their community. Two scholarships will be awarded annually.

  • Enter your full name
  • Identify prior experience or affiliation with Kiwanis groups or activities
  • Tell us why you should get this scholarship. Discuss your current education history and GPA, extracurricular activities, leadership skills, career goals, personal achievements, role models and anything additional that you believe we should consider.
